

Mutation of IFNLR1, an interferon lambda receptor 1, is associated with autosomal-dominant non-syndromic hearing loss.

模式生物:斑马鱼 产品与服务:ifnlr1 研究领域:听细胞发育缺陷

Inhibitory Effects of Red Wine on Lipid Oxidation in Fish Oil Emulsion and Angiogenesis in Zebrafish Embryo

模式生物:斑马鱼 产品与服务:- 研究领域:血管生成

Screening study on the anti-angiogenic effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Part I: Heat-clearing and detoxicating TCM

模式生物:斑马鱼 产品与服务:- 研究领域:药物筛选与药物作用机制

Comparative population genomics reveals genetic basis underlying body size of domestic chickens

模式生物:斑马鱼 产品与服务:BMP10 研究领域:发育

HIF-1alpha and HIF-2alpha induced angiogenesis in gastrointestinal vascular malformation and reversed by thalidomide

模式生物:斑马鱼 产品与服务:HIF-2alpha 研究领域:药物筛选与药物作用机制

Combining genomic and network characteristics for extended capability in predicting synergistic drugs for cancer

模式生物:斑马鱼 产品与服务:- 研究领域:药物筛选与药物作用机制

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